

NBA记者Mike Voukunov更推报道:NBA将在全明星赛中场时为詹姆斯登顶历史得分王举行庆祝仪式 ·Name the game after him 以他之名,命名比赛 ·We w
2024-10-01 08:10:42
NBA记者Mike Voukunov更推报道:NBA将在全明星赛中场时为詹姆斯登顶历史得分王举行庆祝仪式 ·Name the game after him 以他之名,命名比赛 ·We won’t be watching 我们不会看 ·回复上一条: Then don't be commenting either 那也就不要评论了 ·bro. Stopped the game Had a separate ceremony Now this 兄弟 停止比赛 举行这个单独的仪式 现在 ·As they should 他们应该这样做 ·It's the last game of the year. Lakers are ten games from the 8th seed. Lakers lose. They'll hold a ceremony to celebrate the scoring record 这是今年的最后一场比赛。 湖人距离第八名还有10场比赛。 湖人输了。 他们将举行仪式庆祝得分记录 ·What's next, a parade? SMH 那接下来是什么,弄个游行? ·Bro wtf how many times we have to do this 伙计,我们究竟要整多少次 ·They're really putting in the effort to make Lebron the most disliked athlete of all time. 他们真的在努力让勒布朗成为有史以来最不受欢迎的运动员。 ·oh my god we don’t care y’all already stopped a whole nba game to do that and then he gave another speech after that 哦,天哪,我们不在乎你们已经停止了一整场NBA比赛,然后他在那之后发表了另一场演讲。 ·A record that hasn’t been broken in 30 plus years that may never be broken again. Shut up and enjoy history 一项30多年来从未被打破的记录,可能永远不会再被打破。闭嘴,好好享受历史吧 ·They're overdoing the celebration of the breaking of one of the biggest records in the NBA, which has stood for decades? Just admit you hate LeBron 他们过度庆祝打破NBA最伟大的纪录之一,这个纪录已经保持了几十年? 只是承认你讨厌勒布朗 ·It’s like the biggest record in all of sports.. they have spent less time honoring it than I thought they would tbh. Why do you care? Wouldn’t you like this? 这就像所有运动中最伟大的记录。他们花在尊重它上的时间比我想象的要少。你为什么关心?你不喜欢这个吗? ·They’re trying to distract people from him missing games after breaking the record already . They not even making the playoffs 他们试图分散人们对他已经打破纪录后错过比赛的注意力。他们甚至没有进入季后赛 ·You just don’t understand what you’re witnessing we’ve never seen this before and most likely never will 你只是不明白你亲眼目睹了什么,前无古人,更可能后无来者 ·Because this record wasn't broken for almost 40 years and isn't gonna be broken for a couple decades 因为这个记录在近 40 年内没有被打破,也不会在几十年内被打破 ·LeBron haters are not gonna like this 讨厌勒布朗的人不会喜欢这样 ·Didn’t they do this alr?? 他们不是已经做过了嘛?? ·It's a huge achievement but at the same time this is his 3rd celebration.... 这是一个巨大的成就,但同时也是他的第三次庆祝... · (图片评论) ·The league needs to stop worshipping this MAN. 联盟需要停止崇拜这个人。 ·Nobody thought this record would be touched. People who don't like Lebron don't realize what just happened. 没有人想到这个记录会被触碰。不喜欢勒布朗的人不会意识到刚刚发生了什么。 ·They already did that twice! Do it when he retires or something 他们已经做了两次了!等他退役的时候再整 ·How many celebrations does he need 他究竟需要多少庆祝活动 近期舆论如此大,是万万没想到的。 如果不是詹姆斯打破这个记录,换成另外一个球星,联盟、球迷、球员包括你我,所看到的会不会是另外一番景象? 是一方面需要詹姆斯,还是詹姆斯控制了一切? 责任编辑:


